Designing Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
August 5th - 7th 2020 (Online)
Designing KPI is a part of Performance management system (PMS). PMS is a measured performance management mechanism for employee and company. PMS should be right on target and fair for all parties. Very often we hear such complaints or confusions below expressed by employee, superior or the company:
- How to determined employees performance standard?
- How to interpret it into KPI?
- How to cascade corporate KPI into individual KPI?
- How to appraise/evaluate employee performance?
- Employees experience unfair appraisal, like or dislike based.
- Employees reject the performance appraisal since they feel never discussed about the target but suddenly appraised.
- How to monitor employee performance?
- How to make sure employees achieve their target?
Workshop Objectives:
- Understand concept and methodology of Performance Management System
- Understand concept of KPI and how to cascade down KPI
- Able to cascade down business strategy and objectives
- Able to define divisions objectives and KPI
- Able to prepare individual KPI
- Trends in Performance Management System (PMS)
- Performance Management System (PMS) concept and cycle
- Understanding business strategy
- Concept of KPI (type of KPI, lead and lag KPI)
- Concept on how to cascade down KPI
- KPI and competency
- Workshop on cascading down business strategy to corporate objectives and KPI’s
- Workshop on cascading down corporate objectives to divisions objective and KPIs
- Practical “Preparing KPI”